Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Rangers not guilty!!

I have to admit that i thought we were going to be guilty as hell over the EBT thing. How wrong was i?!?!?!

I arrived home in Thailand at around 4PM Thai time (I'm 7 hours ahead of the UK) I have 4 weeks off as that's how my rotation works, 4 weeks on 4 off.

You can imagine the first few hours home are busy getting stuff sorted at home, having fun with my daughter etc.

Around 11PM i went to bed and turned on the Ipad to see what was happening. My timing was perfect as thats around the time Twitter was coming alive with the news we were NOT GUILTY of cheating the taxman therefore giving Rangers an unfair sporting advantage over other clubs. You and i all know that was poppycock anyway, we won our games and trophies by scoring more goals than the teams we played, thats how football works. But with the vigour, and lets be honest at times intellectual way our haters explained why we were going to be found guilty did sound plausible.

I rarely talked about the EBT issue on here, my Rangers facebook page, my Rangers twitter account for a few reasons. The first being i'm not a financial person at all. My job involves nuts, bolts, oil and drilling for black gold, so it would have been foolish for me to talk about something i can't give a good honest opinion too.
The other reason, and the main reason was i was shit scared and had my head buried in the sand. I also was sure we would have titles stripped, i didn't know how i was going to handle it if/when that happened. The chances of that happening now are pretty slim, next to none so the REAL experts say like Cathcartboy whom is a financial wiz kid. Someone all Bears should pay attention too.

I'm not one for gloating, its not a classy thing to do, but you know what Bears. I'm absolutely loving the Gloating thats going on today. This is a huge moment in our history so enjoy it for days, weeks and months to come.


Imagine this.................. imagine that yesterday unfolded a different way, Imagine we had been found "guilty" The feeling we would all have now is of sheer emptiness. Going into work would have been a nightmare for many, but alas, we won, and by Christ are we loving it and so we should.

There are many many Bloggers and journalists that have more than egg on their face, they have a battery farms worth of egg on their face!!

We all know that the vile little man Graham Spiers has been keeping his career going on the back of his hate for our amazing club and fans. Last night our very own Chris Graham owned him, absolutely owned him live on TV. Obviously the picture at the top of this blog shows the moment in this horrid knew he'd been caught bang to writes. Right after this picture he tried to squirm out of Chri owning him by saying he had "Never said TBTC was cheating" Really spot? Well you've been caught and had your brown half mast cord trousers took down and your skinny litttle arse well and truly slapped

From the bottom of my heart Chris......Thank you. its a moment all us Bears have been waiting on for YEARS and boy did you deliver. I owe you more than a pint mate, i owe you a night out no hold barred.

I'm a very insignificant blogger compared to other Bears, but the standard of bloggers this time has produced is something all rangers fans should be proud og. Guys like Chris, Shane and his crew at The Copland Road OrgBill McMurdoJohn DC Gow, the lads at The Rangers Standard and my favourite Rangers message board Gersnet ran by Franky (not me BTW)

I could go on but each and every online Bear, message board etc had a huge part to play in this.
We are not out the woods yet, there's a lot of legal wrangling to go but with the intellect we have amongst the  fanbase we will get there in the end with each and every hater that went out their way to kill us getting their just deserves.

My final and most important point. We MUST take this opportunity to come together. Please forget any niggles we have with each other, talk to each other as the more unified we are the stronger we are. Swallow some pride and contact those Bears you joust with and draw a line in the sand.

Together as one we can take these bastards down.
