Thursday, April 26, 2012

Be careful what you wish for haters

I wrote this on the 6th of March on Facebook

This is the one and only time i will talk about CFC and their issues.

We have seen our club and fans come under attack from many angles these last few weeks, you could say it's self inflicted and no ones making but our own? I don't, we were conned and many of us, myself included were sucked in. from the DM era till 2 weeks ago

Anyway i see many fans saying "Lets start again in Division 3 of the Scottish football league" so to show the other teams how much they actually DO need us

In principle this sounds great, a great big V sign to everyone, especially those from CFC who have, as usual, conducted themselves "in the Celtic way", which is with outright unprofessionalism, no class, no dignity and down right stupidity if i'm honest.

They do need us and we do need them, as does the whole of Scottish football from grass roots up.

We're the biggest team, have the biggest support and as we, and the rest of the footballing World know are the most successful football team in the World. That won't change any time soon.

Now, if we go down to Div 3 in Scotland, what SPL will we return to? I think it would cripple it beyond repair. The Chances are CFC would win the league at a canter. I think we would loose our Champions league places and a Europa cup place. The standard of players at CFC would drop considerably too which would effect us too. The league would be like the Welsh or Irish league in the end. The Kilmarnocks etc would probably go out of business too

The issue of Rangers and CFC going into the EPL comes up regularly. The other clubs, especially those in the lowers leagues rightly say, ”If you want to go into the EPL you have to start at the bottom “(Div 2)


What biggest “get it right round yie” could there be to our haters. The carrot at the end of the stick is EPL football, something we would all love. We are not guaranteed to fly up the leagues either, but by Christ it would be some adventure to go to these games. I doubt it would be long before we did have a genuinely rich big investor come in and buy us too.They have two Welsh teams in the English professional game so it would be very hard for any lawyers to argue against us getting in there

We all need to calm down and think before we speak on this subject. I for one, want us to go to England, not Scotland.

What this last few weeks has shown to us is the shadow we cast over EVERYONE in Scottish football is a LOT bigger than we thought it was, I’m actually flattered by that

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time for all fans groups to come together as one

The Gloves are off

There has been a lot of fractures in the various supporters clubs, message board and official supporters groups at rangers for years. 

When we went into administration 70+ days ago there should have been a unification of the fans. That was out “first” opportunity to draw lines in the sand, forget inter group/club squabbles and move forward as one unified Rangers support. 

We didn’t take that chance even though the club itself was now being represented by Duff & Phelps which is far from ideal as they don’t have any sort of history with the club.

We’ve had numerous chances since and have not taken them, in fact as far as i can see there’s bigger divisions appearing. 

Now, with yesterdays ridiculous sanctions and not to mention the timing when we are due to get a a preferred bidder, we MUST unify now. If we don’t we never ever will. I think it is now actually starting to dawn on people that there is a genuine reality that our club could seriously go to the wall in a matter of weeks. This is what has to happen>

All of the official supporters organisations, and reps from the main message boards need to meet in the next 48 hours, wither it’s at the Wee Rangers club or Ibrox it matters not, a venue should not be hard to obtain. 
Every single representative should look the other in the eye, shake hands and say,”by gones are by gones, this is serious, we’re far stronger as one than a divided unit”
It doesn’t matter what you called someone on a message board, or wrote about them on twitter, who cares? This is about keeping the heart beat of Rangers Football Club alive, the fans, we are Rangers Football Club. 

You all need to sit down and talk, and talk for hours, make sure everything is out your system, then talk about what the plan of action is. 
I see a protest has been arranged on saturday for a walk from Victoria road to Hampden starting at 13:30. I believe the Union bears are the catalyst here, Good on them. 
Emailing the SFA and SPL sponsors to say you will now be boycotting there product is another good idea. As long as you carry that out
The biggest thing we can and must do is boycott away games next season. No excuses. I know people will say,”The players need us” Sorry, the long term future of Rangers is more important right now, those players are only here for a few seasons, we’re here for life. The team are heading for mid table obscurity anyway, i know, again, that some will say that this is an even bigger reason to follow the team away, sorry, it’s not in my eyes.

Please, each and every Rangers fan that reads this absorb what i am saying, and i’m not the only one by the way. All Groups swallow your pride, lift the phone, Email, private message those you have fallen out with and say,”Lets get together and for the good of Rangers move on as one big Unified Rangers”

Frankie #Rangersunified