Here we go again. Yet another huge week for The Rangers
Here we go again, yet another huge week for The Rangers. This one with a completely different twist compared to the others as we are "saved", yet have a power struggle developing already.
We should be happy with this, yet its causing friction amongst the fan base.
I'll state from the off i'm very against this march on Ibrox to back Walter. It could, and probably will turn into an Anti Charles Green protest which will play nicely into our haters hands, again.
If Walter's group wasn't in the picture and Charles Green was the only show in town i would be for a peaceful march to get the man to open up, talk to fans and to stop telling lies. It surprises me in this day and age that people in power, not only in football but any sector of trade, business and politics try and pull the wool over their target audiences eyes by putting a lot of sugar on top of their public statements, telling us what we want to hear with false promises they themselves know they can't keep hoping we suck it and and believe what they say.
We have these fancy phones in our hands that the Google app will go a long way into clarifying what the person says is true or not with in seconds of the words coming out his mouth. If we don't find it in google there and then, within 48 hours we will know the truth. It's very hard to BS then general public now, especially when it comes to an institution like The Rangers. There's millions of Bears out there, amongst them some very smart people who have the means to find out if the likes to Charles Green are lying.
I keep reading Bears saying that we should get behind Charles Green because he saved us, and if he had not come along we would be gone, no newco, no CVA Rangers, but actually extinct.
I keep reading Bears saying that we should get behind Charles Green because he saved us, and if he had not come along we would be gone, no newco, no CVA Rangers, but actually extinct.
There was a minimum of two, possibly three other groups watching what was going on, including Bill Ng and a hybrid of the Blue Knights. If Charles Green had not come in, either of them would have bid for us, and got us, but would have gone straight for the newco route which would have been highly unpopular, but alas, would have been the same result as Green got.
The Rangers were never ever going into extension!
There was a minimum of two, possibly three other groups watching what was going on, including Bill Ng and a hybrid of the Blue Knights. If Charles Green had not come in, either of them would have bid for us, and got us, but would have gone straight for the newco route which would have been highly unpopular, but alas, would have been the same result as Green got.
The Rangers were never ever going into extension!
Green came in saying we'll get the CVA etc. If we are all honest with ourselves, we were never going to get it. The boldness and brashness of Charles Green has to be admired, he got a lot of Bears hook line and sinker. Many of us were not convinced by him from the off and have been proved right with our doubts about him. He said there was 20 people from around the Globe in his group, where are they know?
He said he had £8.5M sitting in an account ready to be transferred at the click of a button, where is it? Then the £30M for new players!! Total popycock.
He said he had £8.5M sitting in an account ready to be transferred at the click of a button, where is it? Then the £30M for new players!! Total popycock.
One of his backers was going to give him £4Million, this person did due diligence on the others in the group and ran for the Hills.
Now's when the alarm bells should start to ring in every Bears ears.
People rightly ask where Walter and co were all this time? Why didn't they come in months ago?
There's a very simple answer to this in my own opinion. None of them really wanted to own The Rangers, they were happy enough to let others buy us. I think it's very unfair to criticise Walter at all. He's been an amazing servant to our club, he deserves his retirement to spend time with his family, especially his grandkids who he adores.
I'm not of the school that rich, famous or past players should have put money into The Rangers. People should have the rite to do what they choose, to do what they want with their lives and money, they shouldn't be press ganged into buying into something that's going to take a hell of a lot of their time, money, the stress and negative publicity it brings owning The Rangers. Especially with little or no financial return.
So why did him and Mr McColl come in at this late date? I'm lead to believe roughly two weeks ago news reached McColl and Walter though the business contacts they'll no doubt have that Green was going round the high end business people in Glasgow and beyond with his cap in hand asking for people to invest. This is when Walter and McColl decided to meet with Park and the others involved that we don't know about yet. There's rumours that there's an even more sinister undercurrent to Green and his business plan for our club that's not reached the public domain yet (i personally have no clue what it is by the way)
So, again, Walter is coming in to save us hopefully, not through choice, but through his love for The Rangers. He saw we were heading in a very bad direction under the stewardship of Green. He wants us to be run by fans, ran with in our means, get the rite people in the rite positions of power at Ibrox and the best bit is, him, Park and McColl are not in here to make money, Green is, which, i hasten to add is not a bad thing, if done correctly.
People ask why don't they work together.?
To start with the huge personalities on either side would clash, then their business plans for The Rangers are chalk and cheese. It would be virtually impossible for them to sit in the same room together for more than an hour if they both were involved with the running of the club which would inevitably lead to terrible headlines in the press for us again.
Do we really need any more?
To finish, the march is wrong as i've already stated. Do you honestly think that either Walter or Green need a march to know that Walter is the man we want with the keys to Ibrox? These guys aren't dumb, they see the news, they read the internet forums, or at least get told what's being said. The march will make not one tiny bit of difference to the sale of Rangers to Walter. This sale WILL happen, my guess being between 9-14 days, possibly sooner. Green and his team want to sell, it comes down to how much for, and make no mistake, Green has every rite to make a few quid out this.
And ask yourself this, would Walter and Jim McColl come into the frey making all this noise NOT to get the keys to Ibrox?
Not a chance, they will get us
Now's when the alarm bells should start to ring in every Bears ears.
People rightly ask where Walter and co were all this time? Why didn't they come in months ago?
There's a very simple answer to this in my own opinion. None of them really wanted to own The Rangers, they were happy enough to let others buy us. I think it's very unfair to criticise Walter at all. He's been an amazing servant to our club, he deserves his retirement to spend time with his family, especially his grandkids who he adores.
I'm not of the school that rich, famous or past players should have put money into The Rangers. People should have the rite to do what they choose, to do what they want with their lives and money, they shouldn't be press ganged into buying into something that's going to take a hell of a lot of their time, money, the stress and negative publicity it brings owning The Rangers. Especially with little or no financial return.
So why did him and Mr McColl come in at this late date? I'm lead to believe roughly two weeks ago news reached McColl and Walter though the business contacts they'll no doubt have that Green was going round the high end business people in Glasgow and beyond with his cap in hand asking for people to invest. This is when Walter and McColl decided to meet with Park and the others involved that we don't know about yet. There's rumours that there's an even more sinister undercurrent to Green and his business plan for our club that's not reached the public domain yet (i personally have no clue what it is by the way)
So, again, Walter is coming in to save us hopefully, not through choice, but through his love for The Rangers. He saw we were heading in a very bad direction under the stewardship of Green. He wants us to be run by fans, ran with in our means, get the rite people in the rite positions of power at Ibrox and the best bit is, him, Park and McColl are not in here to make money, Green is, which, i hasten to add is not a bad thing, if done correctly.
People ask why don't they work together.?
To start with the huge personalities on either side would clash, then their business plans for The Rangers are chalk and cheese. It would be virtually impossible for them to sit in the same room together for more than an hour if they both were involved with the running of the club which would inevitably lead to terrible headlines in the press for us again.
Do we really need any more?
To finish, the march is wrong as i've already stated. Do you honestly think that either Walter or Green need a march to know that Walter is the man we want with the keys to Ibrox? These guys aren't dumb, they see the news, they read the internet forums, or at least get told what's being said. The march will make not one tiny bit of difference to the sale of Rangers to Walter. This sale WILL happen, my guess being between 9-14 days, possibly sooner. Green and his team want to sell, it comes down to how much for, and make no mistake, Green has every rite to make a few quid out this.
And ask yourself this, would Walter and Jim McColl come into the frey making all this noise NOT to get the keys to Ibrox?
Not a chance, they will get us
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